Child Sponsorship Program

Education is a powerful tool for empowerment in Africa. In recognition that every child has a dream of excelling in life, PIPES sponsors orphans and vulnerable children in various countries. By God's grace, we have seen children who had no hope rise and excel in education.
Mary Wambui
Mary is one of the many girls we support in Kenya. She is an orphan who lives in a children's home. Last year, she completed Grade 8 at New Hill Vision School and joined Grade 9 (Form 1) at Kinale Girls High School (Kiambu) in January 2024. Mary is working hard and hopes to help her siblings out of poverty.
Moses Kibaki
Moses was a few days old when his mother abandoned him in a bush. A stranger, attracted by a suspicious cry, discovered a lifeless tiny boy and screamed for help. After frantic efforts, Moses ended up in a children's home, where his health stabilized in a few weeks. The children's home management named him after the biblical Moses and took the last name of the then-Kenyan president, Kibaki.

His turning point came when PIPES learned about Moses and enrolled him in our child sponsorship program. Moses in now in Grade 9 in Makueni High School in Kenya.

Like many of our sponsored children, Moses's story demonstrates the life-changing impact we make among children in Africa. Poverty can rob children of their God-given potential and dignity. Today, you can change the story for more orphans who live in poverty by supporting PIPES so that we can impact more children and families.

Student Sponsorship

PIPES student sponsorship program focuses on improving the well-being of orphans and vulnerable students. We have more students seeking for sponsorship. You can enroll with PIPES to sponsor an orphan or vulnerable child and change the life of a child forever.
Your support goes a long way to change not only the life of a child but that of the family and community.